Stanley Shum 沈軍翰
Born in Hong Kong in 1989, Shum graduated from the Fine Arts Department of The Chinese University of Hong Kong with first class honor in 2013. His works are psychological portrayals that reveal the fragile nature of living and the powerlessness of life, implicating the emergence of social and personal disorder. He has been awarded numerous scholarship and awards, including Best Student from Each Concentration Award- Visual Arts(HKBU), Cheung’s Fine Arts Award- Western Painting, and CUHK Convocation Outstanding Creativity Student Award. Shum has participated in several exhibitions and his work is sought after by private collectors.
沈軍翰1989年生於香港,2013年於香港中文大學藝術系一級榮譽學士畢業 。沈氏專注以繪畫揭示生活的脆弱性與無力感,探討社會暗藏的喧囂、噪動與個人精神紊亂之間的問題。他曾多次獲獎,包括:香港浸會大學專科最佳學生獎(視覺藝術),香港中文大學張氏創作獎(西方繪畫)及香港中文大學校友評議會傑出創意學生獎等,並曾參與多次聯展及舉辦個人展覽。作品多為私人收藏。